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ISIR stands for Israel and Iran and is our most complex and difficult issue that we're monitoring since the British Sunday Times revealed the nuclear weapons secret leaked by an Israeli scientist, Mordechai Vanunu.

Why is it complex?

Actually, it isn't that dramatic. It's a matter of keeping the chronology of history in its authentic, original state. That is a the problem here and the roots of putting the blame on everyone who is linked to Iran. In other words, the "Iran problem" is no other than politics of conflation.

So, how did it all start?

Well, at least not by Turkey as found in Wikipedia as it never was part of the Atoms For Peace Agreement that Dwight Eisenhower had introduced at the UNGA . Turkey's first nuclear plant, the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant, is still under construction (October 2024) and is expected to be completed in 2028.

It all started with the signing of the Atoms For Peace Agreement on July 12, 1955 between Israel and the US. A year later, the European Zionist migrant/prime minister David Ben-Gurion violated the agreement with the words

"What Einstein, Oppenheimer, and Teller, the three of them are Jews, made for the United States, could also be done by scientists in Israel, for their own people."

Iran had signed the agreement on March 5, 1957, which have lead to the establishment of Tehran Nuclear Research Center ten years later.

In order to correct distributors of the photo here on the left, that has been shared without putting in the right context, it's the Soreq nuclear plant that was part of the agreement. The construction began in January 1958 and the reactor reached criticality in June 1960. The reactor is light water cooled and moderated with a light water reflector. It is operated six hours per day, two days per week and forty weeks per year by a small staff of 16 (including six operators)

Israel started the secret construction work at the Dimona site almost synchrone with the construction of the Soreq nuclear plant.

However, the George Washington University claimed that it took the United States intelligence community almost three long years to "discover" the site for what it was, namely, a nuclear site under construction.

The discovery was by chance when an American businessman was on his way to Tel Aviv and came across the site. He went to the American embassy to ask if anyone at the embassy knew about the activities outside Dimona. The officials contacted Washington immediately 

In 1963, the battle of letters between US president John F. Kennedy and the European Zionist migrant, Ben-Gurion broke out while an Israeli agent, Zalman Mordechai Shapiro was stealing uranium from the NUMEC site in a American town, named Apollo  He fled the United States amid mounting evidence against him.

The Israelis didn't build Dimona on their own:

In the year 1956, Egypt's president Gamal Abdel Nasser ordered the nationalization of the British-French Suez company that controlled the Suez Canal. Britain and France wanted the strategic canal back but were eager to start a war with Egypt. Both countries sought help from the Israelis. The Suez Crisis broke out.

The Israelis attacked Egypt by invading and colonizing Gaza

In return, France offered the Israelis help in the construction of Dimona. Gaza became under Israeli colonzation from 1956 to 2005, and totally blockaded from 2007 until the time of the war after October 7, 2023.

On October 9, 2016 Netanyahu announced the renaming of Dimona into Shimon Perez Research Center as "Dimona" was too much linked with the roots of the real problem. However, Perez was involved in the conflict that emerged after the Americans demanded full access to the site.




On October 26, 2005, a conference in Tehran was held with the title "The World Without Zionism".  The conference was attended by Jews. At that time, Mahmoud Ahmedinedjad was the president of Iran. He held a speech that has been translated in many versions like the following examples":

Al Jazeera::

  • “The establishment of the Zionist regime was a move by the world oppressor against the Islamic world,”

  • “The skirmishes in the occupied land are part of a war of destiny. The outcome of hundreds of years of war will be defined in Palestinian land,”

  • “As the Imam said, Israel must be wiped off the map,” said Ahmadinejad, referring to Iran’s revolutionary leader Ayat Allah Khomeini.

The Guardian:

  • "Anybody who recognises Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury, [while] any [Islamic leader] who recognises the Zionist regime means he is acknowledging the surrender and defeat of the Islamic world."

  • "There is no doubt that the new wave [of attacks] in Palestine will wipe off this stigma [Israel] from the face of the Islamic world."

However, Arash Norouzi of the Mossadegh Project noted in 2007 that Ahmadinejad "never... uttered the words 'map,' 'wipe out,' or even 'Israel'" in his statement. Rather, he argued, the translation should have been that "this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time."

This is a key difference, because Ahmadinejad used the "vanish from the page of time" idiom elsewhere in his speech: when describing the governments of the Shah of Iran, the Soviet Union, and Saddam Hussein. While war and revolution were involved in the three regimes' collapse, none of them, Norouzi argued, were "wiped off the map." Rather, they underwent regime change. This suggests in turn, he said, that Ahmadinejad was calling for regime change in Israel, not nuclear genocide.

It is this controversy that the Israelis picked up for their own interest while disregarding the discovery of the mistranslation.

That brings us to Hezbollah. Because, the politics of conflation of Iran-Hezbollah as one and the same has its roots in the Israeli explotation of the aforementioned controversy.

On Google Search, many entries from Western sources describe Hezbollah as being found by Iran. That is historically diverting the blame to a country that is not the cause..

The forming of Hezbollah emerged under the same circumstances Hamas was formed:. For Hezbollah, the Israeli occupation of Southern Lebanon from 1982 to 2000. For Hamas, the Israeli colonization of Gaza from 1956 to 2005.

It is the media to blame, that there is a systematic conflation of Hezbollah and Iran as they kept reluctant to rectify their mistranslation for two years..

The Israelis took advantage from this failure.




A brief recap:

Israel invaded Lebanon in October 2024. However, it's not the first time. They invaded the coutnry also in 1978, 1982 and in 2006.

But, the war from 1982 is the roots of all later consecutive developments. The Israelis started this war to expel the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) but converted their presence in a nearly 2 decades long occupation of Southern Lebanon.

The PLO was created at an Arab summit meeting in 1964 in order to bring various Palestinian groups together under one organization

The resistance group was forced to seek for other ways to have their cause heard such as the attack on Israeli athletes during the Olympic Games in Munich (1972). The Israelis and the West still view this event as a terrorist attack.

A review on this event had learn us that it is about people who were first driven from their own country Palestine then from Lebanon. The event may a terrorist attack but carried out in a country that is not in a state of war. It appears to be a so-called grey-zone case.

The existence of Hezbollah has no relation with the question of Palestine but is a result, the Israelis deny as by their wars in Lebanon. The group have been painted as advocating Shia empowerment globally while the United States and the Israelis are empowering Zionism across the northern hemisphere, which have affected the right of free speech and expression in many Western countries , in particular Germany.

Like Hamas, Hezbollah is portrayed as a terrorist organization. So, what is exactly a "terrorist organization"?

The definition of 'terror' is extreme fear. 'ism' at the end of the word 'terror' is a suffix to indicate that 'terror' represents acts and activities related to causing extreme fear, while 'terrorizing' is the act with the aim to cause extreme fear.

The word 'terrorism' refers to methodologies on which the use of terror is based. Anyone who resort in acts and activities with the intention to cause extreme fear, that person is a terrorist.

But, when two or more people form, or people join the forming of a group with the intention to cause extreme fear, they are members of a terror group, not a terrorist group as that is a undefined political pleonasm. Here is why:

The aforementioned does not explain what kind of terrorist they are. Because terror-ist, so someone who spreads extreme fear, may also refer to a tyrant, an dictator, an autocrat even the military that has taken over an civilian ruling like in Myanmar.

Again, "terrorists" is a popularized collective name that is even used on social media against anyone who post content that is pro-Hezbollah. This kind of brandishing have been since the speech by US President George W. Bush from September 20, 2001 when he introduced 'war on terror' with the words "Either you with us or you with the terrorists.

Now, when is Hezbollah a terrorist organization?

  • when the organization reside inside the territory where it wants to öperate
  • when its targets are those owned, administered, run and managed by a government or an political operating entity to whom the organization is oppose to.
  • when its targets are public areas of strategic importance
  • when the territory in which the organization is suppose to reside lives in time of peace.

First, Hezbollah is part of the government in Lebanon which doesn't recognize the territory of the Israelis as a country.

The organization does not reside in the territory while the occupying power of that territory is a war belligerent since 1967 thus not live in time of peace.

Israel and Lebanon signed an agreement on May 17, 1983 presented as a peace treaty. Lebanon signed the agreement under pressure by the Americans and Israelis, but it was opposed by Syria. The agreement was conditional on Syrian withdrawal. The treaty is no other than a unvoluntary cessation treaty.

Hezbollah, a terrorist organization? It never was while the Israelis remained a occupying war belligerent but in historic Palestine.




GLOSM has a huge archive of more than 13.000 videos about Syria, from the first day of the uprising in February 2011 to the Turkish invasion in 2016.

The way Bashar al-Assad crushed the uprising prompted defection within his army that have led to the forming of the Free Syria Army.

In the second half of that year, the uprising turned into a armed conflict..Assad called for help from Iran. In return, Tehran called on Hezbollah to send troops. That's how Hezbollah's presence in Syria began.

In July 2012, the ICRC saw the armed conflict worsening into a war and declared the situation as those of a civil war. A year later, Tehran decided to send its Republican Guards. The Israelis has been viewing the presence of both Hezbollah and Iran as a threat preemptively since then.

From 2011 to present, no single attack has been carried out from Syrian soil on the Israelis.

But hundreds of airstrikes has been carried out by the Israelis on targets in Syria.

These kinds of attacks is by obsessive presumption without hard conclusive evidence that shows a threat.

Iran and Hezbollah have never responded to the Israeli preemptive attacks.

As we wrote in previous parts of this article, the Israelis are a war belligerent as they also never signed peace with Syria since 1967. Thhe Israeli attacks as a continuation of war against a country because of the presence of another country.

In April 2024, the Israelis bombed the Iranian consulate in Damacus, which is a violation of the Vienna Covention. Iran retaliated by firing missiles

In July 2024, the Israelis carried out a drone attack on Iranian soil to assaassinate Hamas leader Hanyeh.

The first attack was an act of war, the second was a terror attack while in times of war.

Actually, the Israelis are waging a regional war for years.